This Monday I was honored by a campus group called Brothers About Change with a Women of Distinction Ethel Payne Award of Excellence in Journalism.
While I was visiting my sister in Durham I recieved a message from the org's president asking me to get at him about the ceremony. Being that I helped with nominations the year before I assumed he was calling to see who I had in mind for this year's awards. When I called him back he informed me that I in fact was one of the women being honored. My honest and exact words to him were 'Why?! I don't do sh*t.' I said that not due to false humility but because I feel that I don't do much and always wish to do more.
Those who aren't close friends wouldn't believe this but,at times, I am a very shy person. Compliments and recognition aren't things that I'm comfortable with. I don't do things for the praise of others but simply because I figure if I didn't who will?
Though they admire my dedication people have often asked me why I've sacrificed many nights of sleep and chill time to produce a publication that some at the university consider irrelevant. And there have been many nights sitting in front of the computer when I thought I may be crazy and questioned my purpose. But I've realized early that there is a struggle out there and regardless how much Northeastern wishes to separate itself from the outside world, the university is a microcosim of the society which surrounds it. I may not be able to deliver thought provoking speeches or mobilize large groups to protest but writing is my passion, it is my small offering towards progress.
I remember earlier this semester I wanted to organize a small roundtable discussion with current and past members of the Onyx. I sent out an evite and recieved a response from a woman who regretfully couldn't make it since she now lives overseas. She shared with me how happy she is to hear that the Onyx is striving and told me that though working on the publication isn't always easy it's a labor of love that keeps it going.
In their short exsistance Brothers About Change has come a loooooong way. BAC is an organizatioin of Black and Latino men at Northeastern who created the Women of Distinction Award inorder to combact the negative and onesided images of Black and Latino women in the media. They use the award to recognize women at NU who strive daily to postively shape and impact those among them. I remember the obstacles their former president Johnathan went through inorder to make his vision of the award ceremony become a reality. Now he has graduated, works in the financial aid office and serves as BAC's faculty advisor.
He opened up Monday's ceremony with a speech on the 8 characteristics that his woman of distinction is comprised of. Each characteristic matched up to past and current honorees and he gave me the gift of creativity. The most touching moment was when Major, a student at Berklee College, sang a heart melting rendition of You Are So Beautiful. Though the songs lyrics are simple Major's blessed vocals made them resonate in my heart. I hope someone recorded it.
In Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurtson described women "as the mules of society" and it's refreshing to see a group of young men unapologetically recognize the tireless work of Black and Latino women. Not only was I touched to be the only student this year to recieve the award but to also be in the company of Alejandra Lombardo who is the acting Director of the Lation Student Cultural Center and especially Dean Lula Petty-Edwards of the African-American Institute.
I actually spent much of Monday afternoon interviewing Dean Petty for an article and she's always dropping gems of knowledge. She is definitely a force and to stand beside her as a fellow woman of distinction, I will do my all to uphold that title.