Friday, July 27, 2007

Overheard on the 4

5 year old boy: When I'm 8, I'm going to be that tall (pointing to the ceiling of the train car).

Middle-aged mother: Mmmhmmm

5 year old boy: And you're going to be old.

Middle-aged mother: Mmmhmmmm

5 year old: When I'm 8, you're going to 25.

Middle-aged mother: MMMMMMMMHMMMMMM! (giving her son a huge hug).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I am so hearing you...

She smiles, I smile
She walks, no she glides softly by me changing night into day
She opens her mouth to speak, and so sounds ring in my head
She speaks, and I want to dance to her rhythm
She moves ever so gently, increasing my desires,
As I place my arms around her waist,
Hold and squeeze unto me,
I want to melt into her body, and discover the base of her warmth
Her beautiful black body that, no human mind could ever conceive
Shes love
Shes truth
Shes real, as real as the stars that shine in the heavens
As real as the sun that bathes her body,
As real as the moon that glows and the birds that sing and the rose
That blossoms in spring for she is that rose
And not just any rose,
But a black rose,
Black rose stands tall and stronger than any other plant
A black rose, that stands as creator, of nations of
Black rose
That never loses her petals, and blossoms all year round
Black rose,
Sweet rose,
Thornless rose
Eternal rose
Please look my way,
Please look my way
Please look my way
Black rose

-- Dead Prez "Mind Sex"

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Quote Unquote

When asked to share a favorite tv show that he would love to star in for just one episode, one of my 8th grade students replied, 'I would like to star in the first episode in the miniseries 'Roots', 'cause it shows how we used to live before slavery'.

Nothing at all

Back on July 5, 1852, Fredrick Douglas asked, 'What to the slave is the fourth of July?'

In 2007, I'm wondering the same thing.