Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My 50

Folks have definitely caught tagging fever nowadays. I'll be a good sport and go along with it.

So, here goes my 50:

1. How tall are you barefoot?
5′1″ and a half. I didn't realize I was considered short until my freshmen year of college. I guess being tall is a state of mind.

2. Have you ever flown first-class?
Nope and I don't yearn to.

3. One of your favorite books when you were a child?
Dag, I've always been such a bookworm so choosing just one book is hard. If I must, I'd say A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

4. A good restaurant in your city?
My life is shared between two cities right now.

During Memorial Day weekend Kindred's family put me on to Silk Road Palace on the Upper West Side. That was hands down some of the best Chinese food I've ever eaten. To top it off the waiter continued to fill our glasses with free white wine during our entire meal. Kindred and I made sure to pour a little out for the homies who couldn't be there.

Due to health issues my girl Ro has spent the past year on a strict eating regimen. In the beginning it was hard for her to hang out because we would often go to or order food from restaurants that couldn't cater to her dietary needs. Things have gotten much better and for her birthday we discovered Grasshopper in Allston. There isn't any meat, chicken or seafood on the menu but the dishes are so good that it doesn't matter.

5. What is your favorite small appliance?
Right now, my iron. It's been able to work wonders.

6. One person that never fails to make you laugh?
My family and friends. Definitely people who recognize the healing power of laughter.

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
O Holy Night.

8. What was the first music that you ever bought?
I think it was a TLC cd.

9. Do you do push-ups?

10. What was one of your favorite games as a child?

11.What is the one thing that you cook that always receives compliments?
The fam loves my scalloped potatoes, spaghetti and barbecue chicken.

12. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Always an author.

13. Your favorite Soup of the Day?
My mom's soup joumou. January 1st doubles not only as New Year's Day but also the anniversary of Haiti's independance. Since that day in 1804, Haitians around the world drink soup joumou. It is also tradition to bring the soup to the homes of friends and family. We drink it to celebrate our freedom and foster unity.

14. What in your life are you most grateful for?
So many things. But the one thing that I'm consistently grateful for is my family.

15. Have you ever met someone famous?
Yeah but fame is relative. Those I consider famous others may not know or care for.

16. Date Of Birth?
12-09-83. Gifts are welcomed.

17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
Wondering if it's the truth.
How I can help my girls find what they're looking for.
Why folks can't allow things to be simple.

19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
Water, apple juice and ginger ale.

20. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news?
Mostly the internet but also newspapers. Nothing beats holding the actual news in your hands.

21. Current hair?
Jet black, straight and shiny.

22. Current worry?
That things may take awhile to work themselves out.

23. Current hate?
Nothing at the moment.

24. Favorite place to be?
In or by the water.

25. Least favorite place to be?
Anywhere with negative energy.

26. Do you consider yourself well organized?
I'm an organized mess.

27. Do you believe in a afterlife?
I believe in heaven.

28. Where do you think you will be in 10 Yrs?
Definitely someone's mother, maybe someone's wife and anywhere but here.

29. Do you burn or tan?
What? I guess I tan. Always trying to become more darque. ( that was for you Kindred)

31. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future?
Optimistic. I'm in far too many people's prayers to fail.

32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
Last Saturday.

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Usually some gospel.

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid?
I don't remember. I do remember just being scared of the darkness.

35. What's in your pockets right now?
My sweats don't have any pockets.

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Someone telling me tonight that Pat Riley can be the next great leader in the Black community.

37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
The Care Bears.

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
Praising God for only experiencing minor scrapes and bruises.

39. Favorite song?
Far too many.

40. How many TVs do you own?

41. In the last calendar year, how many people have you told that you love them?
So many people. Can't even count.

42. Last thing that made you blush?
When one of my boys said that everyone can't help falling in love with me.

43. Best Compliment received?
"Woooooow! That's my dream girl," said by a teen in Dudley Square.

44. What song is in your head?
"One Last Cry" Brian McKnight.

45. What is your favorite book?
Too many to list one.

46. Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex?
Spicy shrimp, mixed vegetables, rice and a cake for dessert.

47. What songs do you want played at your wedding?
My girl since childhood always jokes that my wedding will a be nonstop concert since I love music so much. There will definitely be some good ol' r&b, classic soul, kompa and something to electric slide to. Oh! Definiately some Cameo and Maze!

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Anything uplifting and rejoiceful.

49. What were you doing at 12 midnight last night?
Laughing and having good conversation at the Reflection Pond.

50. What would you like to accomplish with the remaining years of your life?
I hope to help others and myself to be fulfilled and genuinely happy.

What's your 50?

1 comment:

POPS said...

nice. can't go wrong w/ # 50