Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I still don't know when Black.White will air but on tomorrow's episode of Oprah both familes will be guests. I don't watch Oprah religously but I will try my best to catch this episode.


Joel Randell said...

I saw a little bit of this episode. People were raving about it in the office the next morning, but I wasn't gassed about it. I was feeling the Chappelle episode a lot better.

This is a hot blog! I like it, and will be checking in regularly now.

Sherlon Christie said...

you just gave me a new idea for my celebrity hit list edition...

seedofeve said...

joel, thanks for stopping through and i didn't get to see the Oprah's Black.White episode but i did catch the Chappelle one and i agree it was great.

sherlon i don't know what sparked the idea for the new celebrity hit list but i can't wait. i know you'll have us all talking