Okay...ummmmerah... Jennifer Hyatte will go down in history as the epitome of a ride or die b@%*$h! What on God's green earth was she thinking?
At first I wanted to think that perhaps she is simply crazy in love but now I realize that heffa is just straight up crazy!
The two love birds met while Jennifer was working as a nurse at the prison where George was serving time for robbery. Apparently George is a locked up casanova that swept her off her feet. What.Ever. The heffas own mother even said she's gullible!
George was already serving 35 years for aggravated battery and assault,when his down for whatever boo decided to open fire on 3 guards who were escorting him through the parking lot of the Roane County Courthouse. Needless to say Bonnie and Clyde were caught a day and a half after their great escape.
Here is what makes me upset with this foolishness:
- Since her well thought out plan surpisingly backfired Jennifer will now have to spend time in jail probably never able to see her man again.
- By going along with his wife's efforts to free him, George will most definiately get a few more years added on to his already lengthy sentence.
What infuriates me the most is that their downright stupidity ended a life. Guard Wayne Morgan was hit by 3 out of the 6 shots fired by Jennifer. He died 70 minutes later. Also Jennifer has 3 young children, 9,11 and12, who will growup without her in a town that will probably alwars remember what their mother did.
I know many women who have fallen head over heels for sweet talking criminal record having Don Juans. I,myself, have also had 1 thuggish ruggish experience. Some of us have a weakness for men who are slightly rough around the edges. Understood. But when that weakness causes you to do ridiculous things that negatively impacts not only you and your incarcerated Romeo but also innocent bystanders, that's when s@%ts gone too far!
They both need to be put under the jail!
Now we have 3 future criminals in the making (I hope those are not his seed?).
I took the title of your blog for one of my posts. I did not even realize it until I went into my favorites and saw it. LOL!
No the children aren't his. Thank God! She had them with her ex-husband: http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=92973.
About my blog title and your post..hey what can I say great minds think alike. lol
you got me all intrigued to hear about this thuggish ruggish experience of yours...
E,you'll read all about it in my autobiography. Trust me when I tell you ol' dude was thugged out. What I will say is that he gets out around graduation time, so as soon as I get that diploma I'm leaving Boston asap!
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