my sister is right: black folks, especially west indians, love to be 'scandalized'. we are definitely entertaining storytellers. no matter how small each tale is told with grand hand movements, animated facial expressions and varying accents to approriately acknowledge all characters involved.
some of the best storytellers i know are my girls. our ladie's breakfasts/lunches/dinners always turn into a ladie's day or weekend because everyone always has several stories to share.
our tales can range from the hardships of running a business from home, finally satisfying a curiousity, preparing for married life, arguing an eviction notice to an electrifying late night rendevouz in a not so discrete location.
in one another's company we are able to momentarily shed our sometimes cumbersome strong black women's armor and allow the entirety of who we are to be laid bare. together we share our passions, fears, insecurities, questions and desires. what cements our bond is food and laughter, which always overflows with abundance when we come together.
great food and great laughs is what heals the heart and fills the soul.
this summer there's sure to be much eating, sharing, scandalizing, building and adventures.
speaking of strong black women, i'm not too sure how i feel about this.
whenever someone who isn't black mentions black people i feel my ears perk up a bit and my back muscles tighten in prepartion of the possibilty of hearing something that may require me to duly check someone.
is it being sensitive or simply aware? can it be a combination of both and on somedays maybe more one than the other? i do admit there are some of us that draw the race card a little too quickly, while others are way too hesitant.
Fuck it. You gotta be quick-draw when it's time to throw down the race card. Don't let white folks get too comfy.
I hope Kathy Griffin gets struck by lightning or jumped by a group of Hatian sisters that don't play!
Thank God for my Jamaican heritage. The most beautiful people come from the West Indies- if you're not related, don't hate yourself too much.
kat i love you. i'm upset that i haven't responded to any of ALL of your entries. responding to your sweet honey boo recently--need i mention the name and blast you/scandalize you publicly???--showed me than even a non-blogger can respond. so EXPECT SEVERAL, heffa!!! Many praise Gods for Black women and our love. Your love/sis/best friend, FLO!
::said through my teeth:: i hate my sister. lolol.
First and foremost... Here's to being West Indian and scandalous!!!
Moving on... I don't really know how I feel about the Kathy Griffin tip... oh... hold up... yes I do. FUCK THAT SNOWFLAKE! She has taken the "let's all try our hardest to be Black, steal their culture, looks, and natural dopeness... but keep hating them!" a little too far.
I do believe that at times the "race card" is a tricky thing. A lot of times, us folk need to take responsiblity for ourselves... we can't always point the finger at "the man". BUT! When it's time to point that finger... we all need to stand the fuck up and support each other!
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