Wednesday, December 28, 2005

what's my motivation?

Last night a few of my girls and I went out to a Vivian Green concert. This was my second Vivian show and she definitely does not disappoint. Whatever man/men did her so wrong that she could make 2 albums about it... all I can say is daaaaaaaaaaamn!

I absolutely LOVE her first cd. It was one of the albums that became the soundtrack to the summer of my sophmore year, since my roommates and I kept it in constant rotation. I haven't bought her most recent work but from the songs she sang last night it sounds pretty decent.

Hearing her voice fill B.B. Kings last night reminded me that I don't sing anymore -- not that my voice has certified gold potential or anything but I've been known to hold a note. Seeing Vivian on that stage pouring out all of her heart made me realize that I've allowed many things that I love and make me who I am to dissipate out of my life.

I've been so caught up with simply living and helping others that all my side projects and hobbies have gone neglected. What's far far far far worse than me not singing is that I haven't really been writing much. Other than assignments and a few pieces for the magazine I haven't written anything just for me. I can't remember the last time I wrote a poem or worked on one of my several unfinished stories.

I'm feeling uninspired. I haven't really been on it like I usually am or like I can be. I have all these ideas and thoughts running through my head but my creative juices just can't seem to flow down to my fingers. Maybe when undergrad is all said and done I'll have more time and inspiration will comeback to me.

Oh another thing I was thinking about last night is that folks have a tendenacy of over thinking things and making it bigger than it needs to be. Sometimes things are simple and genuine--nothing more and nothing less. I know it's random but that's what was on my mind last night.....


Sherlon Christie said...

don't ever lose that passion for writing...

POPS said...

well get writing or singing or whatever you to do to become un-uninspired. handle that, missy.

Jarrod said...

I saw that you posted in my blog a while ago and I never had a chance to post in yours. With the whole not being inspired thing, don't force it. That's when you produce something you aren't proud of.

seedofeve said...

spchrist- the passion is still there. i just need to redirect and refuel it.

pops- trust and believe it's being handled

jarrod-thanks for commenting and you're right i'm letting the inspiration come to me.

b- you can stay tight. you know that i find it hard to sing if there's only one person there. i'm more comfortable with a larger audience. maybe when you finally come to boston for a visit i'll bring you to karaoke and bless you with the vocals.